Immigration Waiver

Immigration waivers provide individuals with a second chance to overcome certain factors for exclusion, such as criminal convictions, fraud, or health-related issues. With the help of an experienced immigration waiver lawyer, you may be able to obtain an immigration waiver and overcome certain inadmissibility grounds.

What is an Immigration Waiver?

An immigration waiver is a legal process that allows certain individuals to overcome factors for exclusion that would otherwise prevent them from obtaining a visa, green card, or other immigration benefits. Inadmissibility grounds may include prior criminal convictions, immigration fraud, health-related issues, or other reasons.

Immigration waivers offer hope and a chance to start anew. It’s the opportunity to overcome past mistakes, illnesses, or other barriers that may have threatened their immigration dreams. An immigration waiver essentially grants an exemption or forgiveness for these disqualifying factors and allows the individual to proceed with their immigration case.

The waiver process can be complex and requires strong evidence and persuasive arguments. Don’t let inadmissibility grounds stand in the way of your dreams. Learn more about immigration waivers and take the first step towards a brighter future.

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Immigration Waiver Eligibility Requirements

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Immigration waiver eligibility depends on various factors, including the type of inadmissibility grounds, the applicant’s immigration history, and the nature and severity of the grounds. Generally, applicants will need to provide strong evidence and persuasive arguments demonstrating why a waiver should be granted.

This may include evidence of rehabilitation, hardship to the applicant or their family members, or other factors that weigh in favor of granting the waiver. Additionally, applicants may need to show that their entry into the United States would not be contrary to the national security or welfare of the country.

To ensure a successful waiver application, it’s important to work with an experienced immigration waiver lawyer who can guide you through the process and help you meet all the necessary requirements.

What documents do I need for waiver?

The specific documents needed for an immigration waiver can vary depending on the type of inadmissibility grounds and the waiver being sought. 

In our very first meet, we’ll equip you with the crucial documents you need. Our expert team knows exactly what it takes to craft a compelling case. From supporting letters to essential forms, we’ve got you covered. Don’t let the complexities overwhelm you – we’re here to guide you towards a positive outcome.

It’s important to carefully review the requirements for the specific waiver being sought and to ensure that all necessary documents are provided in a timely and accurate manner. An experienced immigration waiver lawyer in Phoenix can help guide you through the document-gathering process and ensure that your waiver application is complete and persuasive.

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Benefits of Immigration Waiver

Obtaining an immigration waiver can have numerous advantages for individuals who are facing grounds of inadmissibility in the United States:
Your future is too important to leave to chance. Let our experienced immigration waiver lawyer help you navigate the waiver process and secure a successful outcome.

Overcome Legal Hurdles with the Support of Our Experienced Waiver Lawyers

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If you or a loved one are facing the prospect of being barred from the United States due to immigration violations, it can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. However, a waiver immigration lawyer can be your beacon of hope. They can help you navigate the complex legal system, gather the necessary evidence to support your case, and prepare a strong waiver application. With a waiver immigration lawyer by your side, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have a legal expert who will fight for your right to stay in the United States and keep your family together.

FAQs to Help You Prepare!

How long does an immigration waiver take?

The processing time for an immigration waiver can vary widely depending on the specific circumstances of the case and the type of waiver being sought. Some waiver applications can be approved relatively quickly, while others may take several months or even years to receive a decision.

What happens after the immigration waiver is approved?

After your immigration waiver is approved, you will be allowed to enter or remain in the United States despite the grounds of inadmissibility that previously applied to you. Depending on the specific circumstances of your case, you may need to complete additional steps, such as obtaining a visa or adjusting your status to lawful permanent resident, to fully establish your presence in the country.

Do immigration waivers expire?

An immigration waiver does not typically expire, but it is important to note that it only applies to the specific grounds of inadmissibility that it addresses. If you are found to be inadmissible for other reasons, you may need to apply for a new waiver or take other steps to address the new issue.

How long can you stay in the U.S. with a waiver?

The length of time that you can stay in the United States with an immigration waiver depends on the specific terms of the waiver and the type of visa or status that you hold. In some cases, the waiver may be valid for the entire duration of your stay in the United States, while in others it may only be valid for a limited period.

Can you apply for a green card while on the visa waiver program?

No, individuals who enter the United States under the Visa Waiver Program are generally not eligible to apply for a green card or adjust their status to lawful permanent resident while they are in the country. However, there may be other paths to obtaining a green card, such as through a family-based or employment-based petition, that are available to individuals in this situation. Get in touch with our immigration waiver lawyer in Phoenix to learn about your options. Call: 602-795-5550.

Immigration attorney working on a case

Contact Us Today

We are here to help you with all your immigration needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We will listen to your unique situation and provide you with personalized advice and guidance.