Deportation Defense

Deportation is a frightening and stressful experience, but there are ways to fight back. Your job, your family, and your entire future in the United States can be at risk. In these moments of despair, a deportation defense lawyer can be your lifeline. Hiring a deportation defense lawyer can be the difference between staying and being forced to leave.
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Our experienced attorneys provide aggressive defense against deportation and removal proceedings. We fight for your rights to stay in the United States.

We assist clients with immigration detention and bonds. Our team works tirelessly to secure your release from custody.
Our skilled lawyers handle appeals of immigration decisions at all levels. We strive to obtain the best possible outcome for our clients.

What is deportation defense?

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Deportation defense is a form of relief that can stop an individual’s deportation and grant them lawful permanent resident status. It can include filing appeals, seeking asylum, pursuing waivers, and exploring other legal options to avoid removal from the country. Deportation defense is a critical and often complex area of immigration law that requires skilled legal representation and the assistance of a deportation defense lawyer to navigate. Our goal is to protect your individual rights, prevent unjust or wrongful deportation, and keep families together.

Deportation defense requirements

Deportation defense is available to certain non-citizens who meet specific eligibility criteria and can demonstrate extreme hardship to a qualifying family member.

Your family and future are too important to risk deportation. Contact us now to start building a strong deportation defense and protect what matters most.

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Common Deportation Defense Strategies

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The strategy that your deportation defense lawyer applies to your case depends on the reason you have been placed under an order of removal. Some common deportation defense strategies include:

Tilde Zava Immigration Law  Challenging the ground of removal or inadmissibility altogether.

Tilde Zava Immigration Law  Applying to the court for cancellation of the deportation order.

Tilde Zava Immigration Law  Applying for asylum if you cannot return home for fear of persecution.

Tilde Zava Immigration Law  Seek adjustment of status based on specific circumstances.

At Zava Immigration Law Group, we understand that facing deportation can be a frightening and overwhelming experience. Our deportation defense lawyers will work closely with you to understand your unique circumstances and develop a strategic plan to help you stay in the United States.

The Importance of Hiring a Skilled Deportation Defense Lawyer

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Facing deportation or removal proceedings can be a terrifying experience for immigrants and their families. The threat of being separated from loved ones and uprooted from a life built in the United States is overwhelming. This is where a deportation defense lawyer can be a lifeline.

They provide not only legal expertise but also emotional support during what can be an incredibly stressful time. Our attorneys have a deep understanding of the complexities of immigration law and the deportation defense process. When you choose Zava Immigration Law Group as your deportation defense lawyers, you can rest assured that you are getting a team of dedicated attorneys who will fight tirelessly for your rights.

FAQs to Help You Prepare!

How to find out if I have a deportation order?

To find out if you have a deportation order, you can contact the Executive Office for Immigration Review and provide your Alien Number. You can also request your immigration file from USCIS.

What happens if I miss my deportation hearing?

If you miss your deportation hearing, the judge will likely order your removal in your absence. It is crucial to attend all scheduled hearings to avoid being ordered removed.

Can I apply for deportation defense if I have a criminal record?

It depends on the specific circumstances of your criminal record. Some criminal offenses can make you ineligible for cancellation of removal, while others may not. It’s best to consult with an experienced deportation defense lawyer to discuss your options. Contact us at 602-795-5550.

What happens if my cancellation of removal application is denied?

If your cancellation of removal application is denied, you may be ordered removed from the United States. However, you may have other options, such as appealing the decision or applying for other forms of relief.

Can I receive permanent residency through deportation defense?

Yes, it’s possible if you meet certain criteria. You must have been physically present in the US for at least 10 years, have good moral character, and demonstrate that your removal would result in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to your US citizen or permanent resident spouse, parent, or child. A deportation defense lawyer can evaluate your case and help determine if deportation defense is a viable option for you. Call us at 602-795-5550.

How long does a deportation defense case last?

The duration of a deportation defense case can vary depending on the circumstances of the case. Currently, individuals who have not been arrested typically require around four years to win their deportation case and get a permanent residency.

Immigration attorney working on a case

Contact Us Today

We are here to help you with all your immigration needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We will listen to your unique situation and provide you with personalized advice and guidance.